Some good news: You made it through 2020!

Despite everything the year threw at us, you persevered and here you are. Now that 2021 has begun, we’re all making plans and wondering what to focus on during this year full of questions. Here’s an idea.

Focus on self care.

Self care means many things. Contrary to popular assumption, it doesn’t always mean soaking in bathtubs and expensive skincare. Sometimes self care can mean engaging in difficult therapy sessions, addressing personal body challenges, or communicating with loved ones about relationship roadblocks.

But it can also mean the fun stuff too. So why not start with that? As we kick the new year off, let’s put some thought and care into a place in your home where you spend a lot of time: your shower.

By turning your shower into more of a sanctuary, you can give yourself the gift of relaxation and let your body and mind know that you are worthy of this kind of care. Here’s a few tips for creating your own little at home spa this year.

Keep it clean

If your shower is messy or needs a good scrub, just stepping into it will stress you out every time. Designate weekly or monthly time to clean your bathroom, so you’ll know each time you use it, you can truly relax. (Or better yet, assign this chore to a spouse or kid!)

Upgrade your showerhead

A bad showerhead above you will always bring you down. Upgrading to an option with multiple settings could cost a little bit of money, and might take an hour or 2, but you’ll know it’s worth every penny after that first shower. Trust us.

Adjust your lighting if you can 

Just like in any other room, harsh overhead lighting in your bathroom can be a bummer. A dark shower is no fun either. Try to fill the room with as much natural light as possible, and opt for soft lightbulbs and ambient lighting. Get a soft, semisheer shower curtain so light can filter through and keep you feeling bright.

Get some fresh eucalyptus

Head to your local florist or health market and pick up a bouquet of fresh eucalyptus. Secure that bouquet to your showerhead, and say hello to an instantly refreshing experience. When you step into the shower, the hot water will release the plant’s relaxing scent. And the benefits don’t stop there! Eucalyptus is great for clearing up your sinuses and preventing headaches as well.

Opt for essential oils

Can’t find eucalyptus, or prefer another scent? Invest in some quality essential oils instead. Simply sprinkle a few drops of the oil of your choice onto the wall of the shower and let the hot water release the scent. For relaxation, try lavendar, ylang ylang, or sandalwood. For a little extra energy in the morning, try mint or rosemary. Get a mood boost with citrus or sage.

Make dry brushing part of your routine

Before you even get into the shower, sweep a dry brush over your skin to promote blood flow and lympathic health. Start at your feet and move upward and inwards towards your heart, focusing on your breathing work as you brush. Your goal isn’t to push down too hard on the skin, so be gentle.

Invest in soaps, scrubs, and oils you love

Once you’re in the shower, you should love the products you’re using. Don’t fill your shower with scents or textures that disappoint you. Instead, find products that excite you and scents that remind you of happy memories. This doesn’t always mean spending tons of money! Instead, experiment with products from health food stores or even try making your own!

And finally…maybe some relaxing music 

Some people find silence the most relaxing, but others prefer some sounds. If you really want to commit, you can purchase a shower speaker that’s waterproof and can be placed right inside the shower and will connect via bluetooth to your phone. If you don’t want to go that far, a simple speaker placed just outside the shower will suffice. Play some soft music to keep you company as you relax, and feel your stress melt away.