What is health coaching?
Your Align health coach is your guide, mentor, and accountability partner. We focus on teaching and supporting you to become self-sufficient by observing your unique responses to lifestyle adjustments and choosing behaviors that work for you, in the long term. Because your concerns, obstacles, physiology and goals are unique to you, so is the program we will design together.
Program Outlines
Vitality Session
When you sign up for our Vitality Session, you’ll get two private, one hour, sessions with a Health Coach to discuss your personal wellness habits and goals. Ahead of the appointment, you’ll fill out a few brief surveys so your current lifestyle and needs can be established. In your two sessions, we will work with you to discover how you can make lasting change.
6-Month Program
Every other week for six months (12 visits), your Health Coach will meet with you for an hour to work through your wellness habits, challenges, and goals. By tracking changes in nutrition, meditation, and lifestyle over the course of several months, your Health Coach will be best able to develop a custom, holistic approach to forming lasting habits and learning mechanisms for your life. When you sign up for this program, you’ll get 7 day a week contact with your coach so you can reach out with questions about restaurant menus, food choices, supplements, or any other questions you might have between sessions. This is the most intensive, and by far most rewarding, of the programs offered. You may decide that this level of support and accountability is right to continue again and again. We invite you to sign up for as many of these programs in a row as you see fit.
Maintenance Program
After completing the 6-Month Program, we invite you to sign up for another 6-Month Program until you feel comfortable with accountability. The Maintenance Program is offered as a simple way to maintain your newly improved lifestyle habits. You will need to complete at least one 6-Month Program to be considered for the Maintenance Program. In this once a month session you will meet with your Health Coach for one hour. You’ll go over any new discoveries or challenges and discuss the best ways to adjust as you move forward through life.